SEO Principals To Increase Website Visibility 

SEO principals to increase website visibility

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an important part of digital marketing enabling prospective clients to find relevant content. With SEO, businesses can make their offerings visible on Google and their website will be more appropriate to the search terms. SEO is a way to optimize your website’s visibility for search engines that improve organic traffic.  […]

Everything You Need to Know About Google Portal 

Everything you need to know about google portal

Google Portal which was introduced in May 2019, is the latest web page navigation system for Chrome. With Google portals, the users can easily navigate inside the content they are embedding, which is not possible in iFrames due to security concerns. If you want to know about what Google portal is, how it works, and […]

What is Broken Link: How to Find and Fix It? 

What is broken link how to find and fix it

Broken links are terrible for quality assurance, and can negatively impact the conversion rates. Moreover, broken links are not good for SEO as well. But do you know how to fix them?  In this post, we’ll talk about why broken links are something worth considering and rectifying at the earliest.  What Are Broken Links?  Broken […]

Instagram vs Facebook vs Twitter (X): Which is Better for Business Marketing

Instagram vs. Twitter vs. Facebook

Today, social media platforms help billions of people across the world in staying connected with each other. Facebook, X (which was commonly known as Twitter), and Instagram are the most powerful social media brands and appeal to different demographics. Facebook is widely popular among all age group people while Instagram users tend to be younger. […]

Best SEO Company In India to Improve Visibility and Sales 

Best SEO Company In India To Improve Visibility and Sales

Do you look for the best SEO company in India to get more visitors and customers? If so, connect with the experts at Kodehash Technologies. We are one of the renowned SEO companies based out of India. With 15+ years of industry experience in the SEO industry, we have proven our skills while serving diversified […]

5 Phases of Project Management Life Cycle

Project Management Life Cycle

Starting a company comes with big responsibilities. Managers have to deal with many problems when handling a project from the very beginning up to its deadline as requirements evolve constantly in managing it. But every single duty can be done easily as soon as you divide the work into smaller pieces. Understanding the project management […]

Top 5 Frameworks for Web Applications | 2024 Guide

Best Web Framework

Web Application Framework plays an important role in today’s world as they support the overall development of web applications. The framework helps support web services, web resources, and web APIs. Frameworks help develop your application faster and smarter as they consist of a set of predefined tools that facilitate the creation of web applications. Today […]

Natural Link Building Strategies: How to Create Natural Backlinks

Natural backlinks

In today’s competitive world, search engine optimization (SEO) plays a paramount role in boosting your online visibility and authority of your website. Backlinks make your content more valuable and trustworthy and improve your online visibility on various search engines as well. To help you with the link-building process, we have mentioned some of the most […]

Kanban vs Scrum: Which Agile is Ideal for Your Project?

kanban Vs SCRUM

Two of the most common and popular Agile methodologies are Kanban and Scrum which help organize and manage work in software development and other knowledge work domains. However, the processes they follow are completely different from each other and hence are suited for different situations. Kanban is centered around visualizing tasks and continuous flow, while […]

6 Retail Technology Trends for 2024


The 2019 pandemic brought good opportunities for retail businesses. We can say it became the grace for retail businesses. The disruption brings greater opportunities and innovation in the field of retail industry. The latest technology trends in the retail industry transform companies to prove their existence to the world. It brings pleasant experiences for customers […]