Do you know that software testing is much more than finding out development issues? It involves critical thinking to look at different scenarios in which an application can encounter problems during real-life usage. And this is possible, all you need to know about different types of testing.

In this article, we’ll talk about the principles of testing and then we will discuss, the different types of software testing.

What is Software Testing?

Testing is the process of executing a program to look for the errors and successful testing removes all the errors from the software.  With the introduction of new technologies and new software with each passing day, software testing has gained wider popularity. Today, software testing is imperative, and there is no way we can avoid it. Testing and development move hand in hand for a faster release in this Agile world.

So, let’s discuss software testing types.

Different Types of Software Testing

Manual Testing

In this type of testing, the team of developers do various tests on the software by adhering to a predefined procedure. The testers make test cases for the codes, test the software, and share the final report related to the software. Since these types of testing are done by humans, it is a time-consuming task with chances of human errors.

Advantages of Manual Testing

Types of Manual Testing

Three main types of software testing include:

  1. a) Black Box Testing

In black box testing, engineers don’t see the black box rather see the inputs, outputs, and hardware components supporting them. For instance – when a user clicks on a payment page; then, the purpose of doing black box testing is to verify whether the registration page opens or not. Also testing is done to check if all the features on that page are working or not.

  1. b) White Box Testing

White-box testing is a technique allowing testers to view and access an application’s internal structure or code. This technique is used to check the loopholes in your application’s design and elements of a software system like functions, functions, steps, or methods, are visible to the end user. For example, for a registration page, the tester is concerned about understanding the code for the registration page and its functions.

  1. c) Grey Box Testing

Similar to its name, grey box testing, another type of testing is the combination of white-box and black-box testing and testing is done based on high-level database diagrams and data flow diagrams. Grey box testing is done to find and isolate bugs that occurred due to improper code structure or application usage.

This testing type identifies context-specific errors related to web systems.

Automation Testing

Automated Testing is another type of software testing where the testers write scripts on their own and use the most suitable Software or Automation Tool to test the software. It is an automation process and routine tasks can easily be automated without the intervention of a Manual Tester.

Advantages of Automation Testing

Types of Automation Testing

Types of testing related to automation include functional and non-functional testing.

Functional testing

  1. Unit Testing

Unit testing runs against a single unit/ component to test modifications. Unit tests are done during the development stage of an application and each of the tests can be viewed as a method, function, procedure, or object. Automation tools used by the developers include NUnit, Xunit, JUnit, etc. to run tests.

  1. Integration Testing

Integration testing is a kind of software testing that segments two or more modules of an application and tests them. This kind of testing focuses on finding faults in interfaces, communications, and data flow between modules.

  1. System Testing

System testing verifies a fully integrated software product. The main purpose of system testing is to evaluate end-to-end system specifications.

Non-functional Testing

Non-functional testing among other types of testing is done to test non-functional aspects of an application such as performance, reliability, usability, security, etc. Non-functional testing helps improve the overall quality of your software and this testing is not about the working of the software, rather how well it is tested.

Various kinds of non-functional testing are:

  1. Performance testing

This software testing is done to check the overall speed, responsive time, stability, flexibility, etc. and how well it can perform under different conditions. This type of testing is further segmented into three kinds including stress, load, and scalability testing

  1. Compatibility Testing

This is a type of testing that checks how software behaves and performs in different environments, web servers, hardware and network environments. This testing gives an assurance that your software can effectively run on various configurations, different databases, different browsers, and versions of them.

  1. Usability testing

Usable testing is done to evaluate whether the application meets the pre-defined requirements or not. Usability testing tests the application from the user’s perspective and verifies whether they are good to use or not.

Knowledge of the various types of software testing and when to deploy which software testing type is a must for a good tester. Each of the types of software testing mentioned above have their own importance and usefulness in the testing Life Cycle of an application. Thus, having a well-equipped tester by your side surely helps win half the battle.

Deploy Quality Assured Testing Practices with Kodehash

Kodehash Technologies with 10+ years of experience in offering quality assurance and types of testing services to global clients has a team of developers for quality testing. Our team of QA testing specialists do a detailed examination of your software’s quality to detect all kinds of bugs or defects, utilizing a unique software testing approach.

We are well aware of all the latest industry-leading tools like Apache JMeter, Katalon, Watir, IronWASP, Selenium, Ranorex, Appium, NeoLoad, SQL map, ZAP, Selendroid, Testdroid, and much more. Our quality assurance software testing services include:

So, talk to our experts regarding the types of software testing and get the best technology solutions for your existing and upcoming project.

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