To stay competitive in this business world, businesses keep on adopting advanced enterprise applications and one among them is enterprise application integration (EAI). The business processes can work together with EAI to synchronize data and replace the traditional system with independent, isolated legacy systems.

In this guide, our experts have discussed what EAI is, the purpose of using it, its advantages, and much more.

All About Enterprise Application Integration?

EAI consists of technologies and processes used to promote the automated exchange of information between enterprise applications. Today diversified businesses leverage the power of enterprise applications for completing routine tasks. From managing payroll of the employees to enterprise resource planning to customer relationship management, a lot of tasks can be done using EAI.

An effective and reliable EAI platform can accommodate a wide range of on-premises applications and cloud-based services. From accounting and billing to customer relationship management to supply chain management and enterprise resource planning, EAI is used in many other places as well. Moreover, the platform’s flexibility and scalability make removing or updating applications easy without impacting productivity.

Goals of Enterprise Application Integration

The main purpose of an EAI platform is to integrate various systems so that data exchange becomes easy and hassle-free. The enterprise integration services at several levels include:

Data integration– EAI integrates data to ensure hassle-free communications and improve data quality. Being a part of this process, the platform removes data duplicity, formats the data where necessary, and transforms the same to ensure consistency between applications. The platform also synchronizes data stores and updates them according to the changes.

Workflow Integration– An EAI platform also includes tools to enable the applications and services to work together. This boosts productivity by making common tasks easier to perform. For instance, onboarding an employee comes with completing a lot of tasks including updating payroll systems, maintaining personnel records, providing door access controls, etc. which becomes possible with enterprise application integration.

Interface Integration- EAI platform provides a single interface enabling users to connect with the applications, services, databases and other systems integrated into the platform. This way, users don’t have to negotiate the individual interfaces available to each system. 

Why is Enterprise Application Integration Important?

Enterprise application integration is important for all size organizations due to the complexity of modern digital architecture. Moreover, it makes them more competitive. Key advantages of using EAI include:

Removes Data Silos

Enterprise applications can tackle issues related to data silos that emerge when different departments operate independently without communicating with each other. Rather than isolated information stores, data flows freely across systems post the implementation of enterprise applications. It gives a consistent and unified view to businesses and data can be used for comprehensive analysis.

Reduces IT Expenditure

Maintenance of multiple stand-alone applications can prove expensive as it includes licensing, support, and infrastructure fees. By using enterprise integration services, businesses can lower the costs as it provides a unified framework that uses existing infrastructure. Organizations can make their existing systems more valuable without incurring additional expenses. Also, the ability to integrate legacy systems into the platform reduces overall IT expenditures.

Access to Real-time Data

With access to real-time data, businesses can take timely action and make the right choice for their business. EAI allows enterprises to exchange data so that changes in one application are automatically shared across all integrated systems. It gives stakeholders the most updated information for timely actions.

Creates Process Efficiencies

Managing a business comes with a lot of responsibilities along with streamlining multiple disparate systems. For instance, a finance system is needed to record transactions while a supply chain management system is useful for product ordering and tracking delivery. With enterprise application integration, all systems can be integrated together making communication, data transfer, etc. more simplified. EAI facilitates data transferring and allows systems to communicate fast.

More Satisfied Customers

By integrating systems such as CRM, sales, and support, organizations can have more satisfied customers across multiple channels. EAI ensures that customer information remains available at and up-to-date across all touchpoints. The team as well as its customers, get access to the information anytime and anywhere and expedite processes such as sales inquiries, support calls, customer resource management, self-service account updates, and other tasks.

Secure your Enterprise Cloud with Kodehash Technologies

Get the digital transformation your company needs for integrating existing applications and for scaling your business with Kodehash’s assistance. At Kodehash, we deploy the best practices and methodologies while creating out-of-the-box applications that meet your organization’s unique needs. Our team of experts offers the insights and solutions needed to harness the latest cloud, IT, and business trends. We will help you choose the most suitable EAI architecture, consider your organization’s specifics, like legacy systems, and keep scalability in mind. After choosing Kodehash’s enterprise integration services, businesses can enjoy the beneath advantages:

If you’re looking for a reliable and experienced partner to support your existing and upcoming EAI projects, Kodehash stands out as your top choice for enterprise integration services. Discover more about what Kodehash Technologies can do for your business by contacting us today. 

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