Today, social media platforms help billions of people across the world in staying connected with each other. Facebook, X (which was commonly known as Twitter), and Instagram are the most powerful social media brands and appeal to different demographics. Facebook is widely popular among all age group people while Instagram users tend to be younger. X is favored by affluent college graduates. 

Let’s read out this blog to understand the key differences between Instagram vs. Twitter Vs. Facebook. 


In terms of brand recognition and the total number of users, presently Facebook is the most popular social networking site on the internet. Facebook, with almost 2 billion active users, is an ideal platform for connecting people from all across the world with your company. Businesses can use this platform for uploading text, links to material, images, movies, live videos, events, sales, etc. Creating a Facebook account is just a few minutes task, and once you’ve uploaded some photographs, you can start soliciting followers from Facebook users. 

Key Features 

Facebook: Advantage 

Facebook lets brands create their own business page and offers the tools to be creative, such as live video, offers and slideshows. 

The Facebook users who ‘Like’ your page, will become your ‘Follower’, and the posts shared by you will automatically appear in their News Feed. 

Facebook’s Page Insights and Analytics helps evaluate whether your business page needs improvement or it is going on the right track. 

Facebook: Disadvantages 

If users are least interested in your posts and don’t ‘Like’ or ‘Share’ them, then there is a chance that posts might disappear from the Follower’s News section. 


The worldwide user base of Twitter is less as compared to other platforms, still, it is a great platform to market your products and services. With a user base, reaching out to the target audience is quite easy, marketers can directly share the posts by using relevant hashtags. However, be sure about the authenticity of the news before posting it on Twitter. 

Twitter Features  

Advantages of Twitter  

Disadvantages of Twitter 


Instagram today has a huge following, and it is used by businesses focused on fashion or advanced technology. This app is quite effective for all-size businesses as it has 2Bn active users worldwide. 

Key Highlights 

Advantages of Instagram  

Disadvantages of Instagram 

Instagram vs Facebook vs Twitter: Which is Better for Business Marketing? 

Twitter vs. Facebook vs. Instagram: Engagement Rate 

The focus area of a business is the target audience. In regard to that, Twitter helps reach a wider audience in one go. On the other hand, Instagram helps businesses add multiple photos to one post. While, the posts on Facebook add value to the community more quickly, as compared to other options. 

Instagram Vs. Twitter vs. Facebook: Unique Features 

As far as unique features are concerned, all of these platforms have their own set of features that are ideal for business marketing. 

Instagram vs. Facebook: If you compare Instagram and Facebook for business, you will discover that Facebook has a Liberal Ad exchange feature, while Instagram Ads utilize Facebook Ad Manager to offer an ad service. 

Facebook vs. Twitter: Facebook offers Facebook Live Streaming feature, while Twitter provides Periscope helping you add a ‘go live’ button. 

Twitter vs. Facebook: The most significant feature of Twitter is that it has an anti-harassment feature while Facebook has no QR code through which you can add a friend. On the other hand, Instagram offers a unique feature, ‘Geo-Filter’, to share the current location without specifying your precise geographical location. Whereas, no such feature exists on other platforms. 

Comparison between Instagram vs Twitter (X) vs Facebook 

Have a look at the information provided in the tabular form below to know about the key differences between all these platforms: Instagram vs. Twitter vs. Facebook. 

Aspect  Instagram  Facebook  Twitter (X) 
Reach  It has more than 1 billion active users  Almost 3 billion active users  It has almost 330 million active users 
Audience  It is popular among younger demographics (18-34)  It has diverse user base across all age groups  Famous among professionals, journalists, tech enthusiasts 
Features  Visual-centric: posts, Stories, Reels, IGTV  Common features include Pages, Groups, Marketplace, Ads Manager  Tweets, retweets, hashtags, trending topics 
Features  It has numerus shopping features for seamless e-commerce  It uses advanced targeting with Facebook Ads  Provides multimedia support via images, videos, GIFs 
Strengths  – High engagement rates on visual content  – Extensive reach across diverse demographics  – Real-time engagement and responsiveness 
Weaknesses  Has limited reach beyond younger, visually-oriented audience  Less organic reach due to algorithm changes  Limiting the character count makes understanding the message difficult. 
Best For  Brands targeting younger audiences  Businesses targeting broad demographics  It is ideal for companies requiring real-time engagement and trend interaction 
Companies  Ideal for fashion, beauty, lifestyle industries.  Diverse content strategy, community building  Twitter is used mostly by tech companies, news agencies, and service-oriented businesses. 


Projected Impact of Social Media Platforms on Business Professionals 

Social media platforms have gained massive popularity, as both individuals and companies use the same for numerous purposes. These platforms keep customers engaged in real time, establish long-lasting relationships, and improve brand accessibility. By deploying these advanced technologies, marketers can post targeted content amongst the customers and stand out from the rest. The team at Kodehash Technologies can assist you in choosing the best platform based on your website needs, including integrating your business’ social media accounts. 

Why Choose Kodehash? 

So, connect with us to know more about Instagram vs. Twitter vs. Facebook and we will create the best marketing strategy based on your website marketing goals. 

Get started with a tailored customization. 

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