When we talk about the most popular version control system (VCS) for modern software teams, needless to say it is Git. By using this, developers can create multiple branches of a project and simultaneously work on various features or bug fixes. Post the completion and testing of alternations, the same are merged with the main codebase.

In this post, we’ll discuss two of the most popular platforms that are used for managing Git projects at scale, including GitHub and GitLab. If you want to be an expert developer, or know more about coding, going through this informative Github vs Gitlab guide will help you know the differences between GitLab and GitHub as both are used widely in development projects.


All About GitLab?

GitLab is a cloud-based Git and DevOps platform assisting developers in monitoring, testing, and deploying the code. A cloud Git repository is the main USP of GitLab but now it comes with numerous add-ons. Today, GitLab offers several DevOps features including continuous integration, security, and app deployment tools. Moreover, GitLab comes up with many project management tools that are helpful for monitoring and controlling the team members.

GitLab which initially started as a self-hosted open-source alternative to GitHub now offers free and paid cloud-based free and SaaS plans respectively.


Key Highlights


What Is GitHub?

On the other hand, GitHub is an original cloud-based Git platform where the developers can host and monitor their code changes. With time, it has evolved to become a full-blown development platform. Founded in 2008, GitHub is widely recognized for being a hub for software development projects known for its user-friendly interface and strong community.

GitHub’s code review and collaboration tools are appreciated a lot, and using these tools and technologies, the team can easily manage branches, track changes, and merge code seamlessly.


Key Highlights


GitHub vs Gitlab: A Detailed Comparison

Let’s check out some of the main features that highlight the key differences between GitLab and GitHub.


GitHub vs Gitlab: User Experience & Team Collaboration

GitLab creates an all-in-one development environment that lays emphasis on team collaboration. GitLab offers a complete set of tools for project management, issue tracking, code reviews, and workflow automation that can be integrated with tools like Jira, Asana, Datadog, Slack, for better results.

On the other hand, GitHub consists of a consolidated platform for code collaboration, review, and project management. Thanks to its transparent and dynamic designs that made it an accessible tool for users of all skill levels. Other features of GitHub include integrated CI/CD and workflow automation via GitHub Actions, letting teams build, test, and deploy projects.


GitHub vs Gitlab: Integrations

Both GitLab and GitHub support integrations with third-party tools, which improves the overall functionality, automation, and collaboration facilitating the entire development process and bolster code quality. GitLab offers ready-made integrations with several tools and an API for custom integrations, letting businesses alter the workspace as per their unique workflows. Two of the most common GitLab integrations include Kubernetes and Jira Software.

Similarly, GitHub offers a broad range of integrations with third-party tools and services available via the marketspace of GitHub. This centralised integration hub helps a lot in discovering and installation. Two prominent GitHub integrations are Slack and AWS.


GitHub vs Gitlab: Pricing & Plans

Both GitLab and GitHub come with free plans with unlimited public and private repositories, best for small-scale businesses. However, these plans have restrictions when it’s about more advanced features and storage capabilities.

In case the team looks for more sophisticated functionalities, they can take the paid plans. GitHub’s paid plans consist of the Team and Enterprise options, providing enhanced storage, additional GitHub Actions minutes and access to more hi-tech features. On the other hand, GitLab’s paid plans include Premium and Ultimate Enterprise that comes with additional resources and features like advanced CI/CD capabilities, dedicated support, and dynamic security.


GitLab vs GitHub: Data Import and Export

GitLab offers a complete set of tools to import and export data to third parties. This feature is beneficial as this way coders can move important data such as repositories, projects, webhooks, etc.

GitHub has some restrictions, as compared to GitLab, mostly due to the GitHub Imported tool. There is not much transparency regarding the usage of native tools.


GitHub vs Gitlab: CI/CD Support

CI/CD is a method allowing continuous integration, delivery, and deployment by using automation tools. GitLab has CI/CD support making it easier for the developers to streamline the tasks.

GitHub has no such support and rely on, although they rely on third-party technologies to accomplish the same effect.


Final Thoughts

Hope this informative guide on GitHub vs Gitlab makes you more aware about these version control platforms. When selecting the most appropriate version control platform for your team, carefully evaluate factors like user experience, collaboration features, hosting options, integrations, and cost. And regardless of which platform you choose, a dedicated team of developers at Kodehash Technologies helps manage your workflows and deliver high-quality software faster.

So, begin your journey towards more efficient and robust code management with a customised consultation from Kodehash and start building your GitLab or GitHub projects today.

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